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5 Facts About Cataract Treatment

5 Facts About Cataract Treatment

Your vision depends on the healthy functioning of your crystalline lens, a clear spherical structure in your eyes that helps focus light. Cataracts are a common eye condition that clouds your lens, affecting around 17% of the global population

While this condition has several types, we can offer tailored treatments for your type of cataract. If you live in the Pelham Gardens part of the Bronx, New York, and are dealing with cataracts, our medical experts at Bronx Eye Associates can help. Here, we explain what cataracts are and five important facts about their treatment. 

Understanding cataracts

In healthy eyes, the lens is clear and made up of proteins called crystallins, creating a focal point for light to travel through your eye. In people struggling with cataracts, these crystallin proteins break down causing the lens to cloud up and blur your vision.

Crystallin in your lenses breaking down is gradual and often occurs due to age. However, genetic and environmental factors can increase your risk, such as pollution, smoking, alcohol abuse, pesticides, industrial chemicals, overexposure to UV rays, diabetes, eye diseases, corticosteroids, and radiation therapy on the upper part of your body.

Cataracts cause many symptoms, including:

There are several types of cataracts including age-related (the most common), pediatric, traumatic, and secondary cataracts. 

Facts about cataract treatment

While cataracts can feel limiting, there are great treatment options available to manage this condition and retain your independence. Here are some important facts about cataract treatments:

1. Early detection is key 

As with most conditions, the earlier we can find evidence of cataracts, the easier it is to start treatment. We can also monitor how it affects your vision to determine what actions to take.

2. Treating cataracts helps people live longer

Removing cataracts helps to improve both your vision and your long-term independence. This can be especially important for people dealing with age-related cataracts, allowing them to do more for themselves.

3. Managing cataracts at home is possible until you need surgery

Surgery is the only option for removing cataracts, but depending on severity, you can manage many symptoms at home. Using magnifying glasses and brighter lights, picking anti-glare lenses in glasses, and changing prescriptions when necessary can help you cope.

4. Cataract removal is among the safest procedures to have

Removing a cataract is a minimally invasive process that has you return home the same day. You should only have mild discomfort for the next couple of days and prescription eye drops for a few weeks.

5. Cataract removal has a very high success rate

A resounding 90% of people who get cataract removal surgery successfully improve their vision. This surgery replaces the old lens with a new one, and millions of people have come home happier for the experience.

Cataracts can severely impair your sight, but you don’t have to live with them. Make an appointment with the team at Bronx Eye Associates today to find out your options for treating cataracts.

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