Comprehensive Eye Exams

Bronx Eye Associates
Optometrists located in Pelham Gardens, Bronx, NY
Comprehensive eye exams are integral to healthy vision and vital in identifying dangerous eye conditions that would otherwise go unnoticed. At Bronx Eye Associates in the Bronx in New York City, the team of optometrists understands the importance of eye and vision tests. Through comprehensive diagnosis and testing, the practice makes sure you never have to worry about your ocular health. Go online or call the practice today to book an appointment.
Comprehensive Eye Exams Q & A
How Should You Prepare For a Comprehensive Eye Exam?
There’s no preparation necessary for a comprehensive eye exam. However, you should consider a few things before booking your appointment.
Since an eye exam involves tests that check the status of your vision, you might experience eye sensitivity in the hours following the exam. If your appointment is in the middle of a workday, you might have trouble seeing clearly or looking at a computer screen. Make sure to schedule your eye tests at a time convenient for such symptoms.
You should also come with as much information about your medical history as possible. This will help the team at Bronx Eye Associates understand your overall health and recommend adequate treatment.
The practice recommends that you schedule regular eye exams if you’re over 40 years old. Until then, only one exam per year is recommended unless you experience certain symptoms.
The team at Bronx Eye Associates can easily tell you how often you need to schedule appointments.
What Should You Expect During a comprehensive eye exam?
The goal of a comprehensive eye exam is to test your eyes’ functionality and sensory abilities.
To that effect, your optometrist asks you to read an eye chart, moving from the largest to the smallest letters, as part of a visual acuity test. Depending on your results, your optometrist might recommend glasses or contact lenses.
Another important aspect of a comprehensive eye exam is the evaluation of your pupils. Your optometrist shines a bright light directly into each eye, forcing your pupils to constrict. This enables the team member at Bronx Eye Associates to check your pupils’ health.
A comprehensive eye exam might also include any of the following tests:
Side vision
General vision test
Eye movement
Tracking moving objects
Phoropter tests to check the need for glasses or contact lenses
Tonometry to measure the pressure in your eyes
Most if not all of these tests are performed using a slit lamp, which magnifies and illuminates your cornea, eyelids, lens, and iris so your optometrist can track irregularities.
What are Some Common Eye Conditions?
Some of the most common eye conditions include:
Retinal disorders
Refractive errors
Optic nerve disorders
Macular degeneration
Diabetic eye conditions
Schedule a comprehensive eye exam today by calling Bronx Eye Associates or by using the online booking tool.
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