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Is Your Child Struggling to Read? Let's Talk About a Possible Eye Problem Oct 18th, 2024

Reading is a learning curve, starting with recognizing pictures and responding to stories in preschool to being able to read familiar stories and sound out simple unfamiliar words in first grade. If, during reading development they’re having troubles, it could be because of vision issues that need attention. If you...

Your First Steps When You Notice Pink Eye Sep 9th, 2024

Your eyes are delicate and complex organs that protect themselves against multiple problems, as your eyelids guard against bright lights and retain moisture, eyelashes collect dust and debris, blinking prevents dryness, and tears wash out irritants.  Unfortunately, when bacteria and other particles get into eyes, they can irritate and impair...

Tips for Promoting Eyesight Development in Your Children Aug 15th, 2024

Kids grow rapidly and rely on senses like their vision to make sense of the world and develop mentally and physically. During this process, they also face the risk of developmental vision problems.  To make sure their vision stays as good as possible, there are some things you should look...

Why Does it Feel Like My Headache Is in My Eye? Jul 26th, 2024

Various types of headaches and migraines are a very common problem for over half of adults worldwide. Many people struggling with headaches and migraines don’t get the treatment they need, and for some, the pain and misery from them are enough to lead to being unable to work and missing...

Help! I Think My Child Has a Vision Problem Jun 24th, 2024

Your child’s vision is essential to their developmental progress as they learn and grow. Infants focus on movement, patterns, and colors and are excited by things like mobiles and pinwheels in their cribs. Generally, visual stimuli at this stage create more neural connections in the brain, helping them make better...

 The Truth About Screen Time and Its Impact On Your Child's Eyes May 10th, 2024

As children grow, vision development is essential for them to see at multiple distances, develop better depth perception, improve reading skills, improve hand-eye coordination, and get better at reading. During childhood, eye problems such as astigmatism, myopia (nearsightedness), and farsightedness (hyperopia), can affect healthy vision development.  Another more recent issue...

Tips for Supporting Your Child's Vision Development From Day One Apr 1st, 2024

Our eyes and brain are directly connected in many different ways, with over a million nerves connecting the two organs. Visual development starts from the moment we are born, and the relationship between how we see and our basic functional motor skills is vital to how we grow in childhood. ...

Eye Problems Run In My Family — What Should I Do? Mar 2nd, 2024

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, 20.5 million Americans have cataracts, 9.6 million have diabetic retinopathy, and 3 million have glaucoma. Eye problems are common, and if they run in your family, you may be at an increased risk of developing a given eye disease. To examine how this...

Help! I Have Trouble Seeing While Driving at Night Feb 1st, 2024

Seeing at night, referred to as scotopic vision, happens when your pupils widen to gather as much light and information about shapes and outlines as they can.  If you have problems seeing things at night, navigating the streets in a car can be very difficult even on well-illuminated roads with...

How Does Diabetic Retinopathy Cause Blindness? Jan 8th, 2024

Blindness is the general term for significant vision loss, which ranges from being legally blind (possessing low vision, or severely visually impaired) to being able to see nothing at all. Across the world, 36 million people are completely blind and 217 million people identify as visually impaired due to cataracts,...

4 Signs You're a Good Candidate for Laser Eye Surgery Dec 7th, 2023

Over 3.4 million Americans over 40 suffer from vision issues but for some people, there can be a solution. Laser eye surgery can help manage different eye problems, but not everybody can take advantage of this type of procedure. If you live in the Pelham Gardens section of the Bronx,...

Nearsightedness: Will My Child's Vision Get Worse Without Glasses? Nov 10th, 2023

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a common refractive eye problem in children as young as 10. Corrective glasses can treat this problem, but what happens to your child’s vision if they don’t use them? Does their vision worsen, or stay as bad as it currently is? To determine what happens to...

The Benefits of Treating Nearsightedness Early Oct 11th, 2023

Eye problems can come in a wide variety ranging from mild vision issues to illnesses that can cause permanent damage and blindness. One of the most common eye problems is myopia (nearsightedness) affecting almost 30% of Americans.  This condition often starts to affect people during childhood, and catching it early can make it easier to...

All About Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) Sep 5th, 2023

Damage to our vision can make doing many normal tasks much harder. If you’re a diabetic, you’re at a higher risk of numerous eye conditions that can affect your vision, such as diabetic macular edema (DME). Millions of diabetics struggle with this illness, and several risk factors can lead to...

5 Facts About Cataract Treatment Aug 10th, 2023

Your vision depends on the healthy functioning of your crystalline lens, a clear spherical structure in your eyes that helps focus light. Cataracts are a common eye condition that clouds your lens, affecting around 17% of the global population.  While this condition has several types, we can offer tailored treatments for your type...

Can Astigmatism Cause Headaches? Jul 12th, 2023

Astigmatism is a common vision problem due to a misshapen cornea that can lead to problems with night driving and cause blurred vision. But did you know that astigmatism is also linked to headaches? Let’s explore this link by examining what astigmatism is, the connection it has to headaches, and how...

3 Reasons Why You Have Watery Eyes Jun 2nd, 2023

Water makes up about 60% of your body’s weight, helping to do everything from regulating internal temperature, carrying nutrients to cells, lubricating joints, and protecting organs. It is also essential for maintaining moisture in the tissue in your mouth, nose, and eyes.  The layer of tears in your eyes helps...

What Constitutes an Eye Emergency? May 4th, 2023

We all deal with stuff getting in our eyes, from specks of dust to eyelashes. But when it comes to eye injuries, more people deal with them than you think. Each year 20,000 people struggle with work-related eye injuries which can lead to missing work and losing pay.  Eye injuries...

How Often Should I Have My Eyes Checked If I Have Diabetes? Apr 3rd, 2023

Diabetes is a chronic illness that affects your body’s ability to regulate blood glucose (blood sugar) and without treatment, it can wreak havoc on your cardiovascular system, kidneys, nervous system, and your eyes. When this occurs, it’s called diabetic retinopathy. Getting eye checkups is vital to treating diabetic retinopathy before it gets...

Why Do I Keep Getting Midday Headaches? Mar 9th, 2023

Headaches are easily among the most common health conditions and nearly half the global adult population has had at least one in the last year. Of those people, 30% have struggled with migraine, and up to 4% of them have had headaches 15 days or more per month.  While numerous factors can...

Can Myopia in Children be Corrected? Feb 9th, 2023

Problems with sight directly affect your ability to interact with the world around you. Around 4.2 million people in America aged 40 or older suffer from low vision or near blindness. Many eye problems start much younger and are often less severe, including refractive issues like myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. 50% of people struggle...

Glaucoma: Know Your Treatment Options Jan 4th, 2023

There are a lot of conditions that can affect your vision, but glaucoma is an illness you may not even know you have. An estimated 3 million Americans, many undiagnosed, struggle with this condition. It is the leading cause of blindness, even after treatment. Getting ahead of something as dangerous as...

Untreated Keratoconus Can Lead to Permanent Vision Loss Dec 9th, 2022

It’s hard to put into words how much we use our vision every day, as seeing the world around us is so crucial to how we interact with it. Think of your eye like a camera: it helps you gauge distances and closely examine objects. Unlike a camera, you have...

Who Should Have a Routine Eye Exam and How Often? Nov 21st, 2022

Your eyes are amazing tools for sight, with 7 million cone cells to see the world in color, 100 million rod cells to see in the dark, and light and dark rod cells allowing you to see an astounding range of gray. Having two eyes positioned on equidistant sides of the...

Understanding the 4 Stages of Diabetic Retinopathy Oct 5th, 2022

Diabetes is a disease that affects millions of people and results from high blood sugar (hyperglycemia). Also known as glucose, blood sugar provides fuel to energize your body’s cells.  However, diabetes occurs when there is too much blood sugar in your bloodstream. This condition can lead to numerous dangerous complications and...

When Should Your Child Start Seeing an Optometrist? Sep 8th, 2022

Your eyes are an important part of how you take in the world around you. These two organs take in light and visual information and transmit it to your brain, allowing you to see 200 degrees in all directions. Your eyes can perceive images, movement, and depth, which enable you...

How to Decide if LASIK Is Right for You Aug 2nd, 2022

Vision is our dominant sense, helping us understand and interact with our surroundings. Unfortunately, there are many types of vision problems that can lead you to need glasses or contact lenses to correct your vision.  LASIK eye surgery is a type of refractive surgery that can repair your sight and, in many...

What Causes Dry Eye and How to Remedy It Jul 13th, 2022

If you have chronically dry eyes, you’re not alone. An estimated 4.88 million people over age 50 live with this condition. It can have a variety of causes, which may take a while to narrow down and identify. The good news is that if you have dry eyes, you may...